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Int. j. morphol ; 42(2): 289-293, abr. 2024. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558156


SUMMARY: The study of the shape variation in geometric morphometrics has an important limitation known as the Pinocchio effect. The Pinocchio effect produces artifactual variances of the landmarks and implies that it is not possible to know the morphological change structure of an object, other than by dividing the landmark sets and then comparing them. This, however, involves making prior assumptions about the pattern of variation of an object. In this study, we provide a code in R to iterate over a complete set of landmarks and test all possible combinations of landmarks until deliver those landmarks associated with the largest to the smallest morphological changes. We tested this on a sample of 28 landmarks in 143 3D models of human skulls. The results indicated that this process can result in a pooled variance of a subset of landmarks that is an order of magnitude larger than that of several other regions of the skull. This method makes it possible to describe the pattern of variation of any 2D or 3D object represented by fixed landmarks, to distinguish the shape features that have more morphological dispersion, and to avoid any aprioristic assumptions about how the morphological changes of an object behave.

El estudio de la variación de la forma en morfometría geométrica tiene una limitación importante conocida como efecto Pinocho. El efecto Pinocho produce variaciones artefactos de los puntos de referencia e implica que no es posible conocer la estructura del cambio morfológico de un objeto, salvo dividiendo los conjuntos de puntos de referencia y luego comparándolos. Sin embargo, esto implica hacer suposiciones previas sobre el patrón de variación de un objeto. En este estudio, proporcionamos un código en R para iterar sobre un conjunto completo de puntos de referencia y probar todas las combinaciones posibles de puntos de referencia hasta entregar aquellos puntos de referencia asociados con los cambios morfológicos más grandes a los más pequeños. Probamos esto en una muestra de 28 puntos de referencia en 143 modelos 3D de cráneos humanos. Los resultados indicaron que este proceso puede dar como resultado una variación combinada de un subconjunto de puntos de referencia que es un orden de magnitud mayor que el de varias otras regiones del cráneo. Este método permite describir el patrón de variación de cualquier objeto 2D o 3D representado por puntos de referencia fijos, distinguir las características de forma que tienen más dispersión morfológica y evitar suposiciones apriorísticas sobre cómo se comportan los cambios morfológicos de un objeto.

Humans , Anatomic Landmarks , Anatomy/instrumentation , Biometry
Int. j interdiscip. dent. (Print) ; 16(3): 197-200, dic. 2023. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528753


Objective: Assessing whether it is possible screening women with osteoporosis through geometric morphometrics based on panoramic x-ray. Materials and Methods: Leukoderma women, after menopause, 40 years old (or older), with confirmed medical diagnosis of presence, or absence, of osteoporosis through bone densitometry examination. (N = 62). Measurements taken through panoramic X-ray based on geometric morphometrics. All x-rays were taken twice by the same researcher. Procrustes superimposition was assessed through Cartesian coordinates generated from anatomic landmark and semilandmarks. Regression Analysis, Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA), discriminant function and cross validation analysis, and Thin plate spliness in MorphoJ software were carried out. Subsequently, Fluctuating Asymmetry Analysis (FA) was conducted and ANOVA was performed to assess differences in centroid size. Results: Significant values were recorded for mandible shape (p<0.01) through MANOVA. Significant values (P<0.01) were also found through discriminant function analysis between groups of women with, and without, osteoporosis. Fluctuating asymmetry analysis showed significant differences in mandible shape and size between sides (p<0.01). Conclusions: Geometric morphometrics proved to be effective in screening and identifying elderly leukoderma women with, or without, osteoporosis based on panoramic x-rays. This is a promising technique to diagnose or identify patients with some health condition.

Humans , Female , Adult , Osteoporosis, Postmenopausal , Anthropometry , Mandible
Int. j. morphol ; 41(2): 410-416, abr. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440298


SUMMARY: The foramen magnum is an important topographic opening which connects cranial cavity and spinal canal. The analysis of the bone material established that there are differences in the shape of the foramen magnum between individuals. The aim of this study was to determine sex based on shape and size of foramen magnum using geometric morphometrics method. A study was performed on three-dimensional models (3D models) of 214 human skulls of known sex and known age (141 male skulls and 73 female skulls). The skulls are located at the museum of Medical Faculty, University of Sarajevo. Skulls belong to Bosnian population from the mid-twentieth century. All examined skulls were scanned with a laser scanner to obtain their 3D models. On 3D models of the examined skulls, four landmarks were marked on foramen magnum. Analysis of sex determination was performed using the MorphoJ program. Results of this study showed that there are sex differences in the shape and size of the foramen magnum. Sex determination based on the shape and size of the foramen magnum was showed 65.25 % accuracy for male and 63.01 % accuracy for female using geometric morphometrics method. Examination of the effect of size of foramen magnum on sexual dimorphism of shape of foramen magnum showed a statistically significant effect. Sex determination based just on the shape of foramen magnum using geometric morphometrics method was possible with 62.41 % accuracy for male and 58.90 % accuracy for female on examined sample. Sex differences on shape and size of foramen magnum were found using geometric morphometrics method on three-dimensional models of the examined skulls. The percentage of accuracy was higher for male based on the shape and size of the foramen magnum than for female.

El foramen magno es una importante abertura topográfica que conecta la cavidad craneal y el canal espinal. El análisis del material óseo estableció que existen diferencias en la forma del foramen magno entre individuos. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el sexo en función de la forma y el tamaño del foramen magno utilizando morfometría geométrica. El estudio se realizó en modelos tridimensionales (modelos 3D) de 214 cráneos humanos de sexo y edad conocidos (141 cráneos masculinos y 73 cráneos femeninos). Los cráneos se encuentran en el museo de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Sarajevo. Los cráneos pertenecen a población bosnia de mediados del siglo XX. Todos los cráneos examinados fueron escaneados con un escáner láser para obtener sus modelos 3D. En los modelos 3D de los cráneos examinados, se marcaron cuatro puntos de referencia en el foramen magno. El análisis de determinación de sexo se realizó utilizando el programa MorphoJ. Los resultados de este estudio mostraron que existen diferencias de sexo en la forma y el tamaño del foramen magno. La determinación del sexo basada en la forma y el tamaño del foramen magno mostró una precisión del 65,25 % para los hombres y del 63,01 % para las mujeres utilizando morfometría geométrica. El examen del efecto del tamaño del foramen magno sobre el dimorfismo sexual de la forma del foramen magno mostró un efecto estadísticamente significativo. La determinación del sexo basada solo en la forma del foramen magno utilizando morfometría geométrica fue posible con una precisión del 62,41 % para los hombres y del 58,90 % para las mujeres en la muestra examinada. Se encontraron diferencias de sexo en la forma y el tamaño del foramen magno utilizando morfometría geométrica en modelos tridimensionales de los cráneos examinados. El porcentaje de precisión fue mayor para los hombres en función de la forma y el tamaño del foramen magno que para las mujeres.

Humans , Male , Female , Sex Determination by Skeleton , Printing, Three-Dimensional , Foramen Magnum/anatomy & histology , Regression Analysis , Principal Component Analysis
Rev. biol. trop ; 69(2)jun. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1387642


Resumen Introducción: A pesar de su importancia en el rendimiento de la natación y la eficacia biológica individual, la forma del cuerpo y las variaciones de tamaño en respuesta a la velocidad del flujo de agua siguen siendo desconocidas para la mayoría de los peces migratorios de agua dulce en el Neotrópico. Objetivo: Contrastar la hipótesis de variación fenotípica en el tamaño y la conformación del cuerpo de dos especies de peces dulceacuícolas que enfrentan cambios de velocidad a través de sus migraciones en dos ríos pertenecientes a una cuenca neotropical. Métodos: Se utilizó la morfometría geométrica basada en hitos para estudiar las variaciones en el tamaño y la conformación del cuerpo para dos especies de peces Curimata mivartii y Pimelodus grosskopfii en hábitats lóticos y lénticos de la cuenca Colombiana del Magdalena-Cauca. Resultados: Los individuos de C. mivartii de dos hábitats lóticos fueron similares en tamaño y significativamente más grandes que los del hábitat léntico, mientras que los individuos de P. grosskopfii fueron similares en ambos hábitats. Ambas especies mostraron cuerpos más hidrodinámicos en hábitats lóticos y formas corporales más robustas en hábitats lénticos. Conclusión: Ambas especies exhiben cambios fenotípicos en la forma del cuerpo concordantes con las predicciones previas sobre las variaciones morfológicas de los peces. Esta información es relevante para predecir cambios en respuesta a la heterogeneidad ambiental, especialmente inducidos por actividades antropogénicas que cambian las velocidades del agua en el río.

Abstract Introduction: Despite their importance in swimming performance and individual fitness, body shape and size variations in response to water flow velocity remain unknown for most migratory freshwater fishes in the Neotropics. Objective: Test the hypothesis of phenotypic variation in the size and body shape of two species of freshwater fishes that encounter changes in water velocity across their migrations in two rivers that belong to a single Neotropical basin. Methods: Landmark-based geometric morphometrics was used to study variations in body size and shape for the fish species Curimata mivartii and Pimelodus grosskopfii in lotic and lentic habitats of the Colombian Magdalena-Cauca Basin. Results: Individuals of C. mivartii from two lotic habitats were similar in size and both were significantly bigger than those from lentic habitats, whereas individuals of P. grosskopfii were similar in size in both habitats. Both species showed more streamlined bodies in lotic habitats and deeper body shapes in lentic habitats. Conclusions: Both species exhibit phenotypic changes in body shape concordant with previous predictions on morphological variations of fishes. This information is relevant to predict changes in response to environmental heterogeneity, especially those induced by anthropogenic activities that change the water velocity in the river.

Animals , Catfishes/anatomy & histology , Fishes , Colombia
Rev. biol. trop ; 69(supl. 2)mar. 2021.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1507777


Introduction: The sea star odontophore is the structure positioned between the paired oral ossicles, with which they articulate through proximal and distal processes. The internal anatomy structures may be used as taxonomic characters for a precise differentiation between species, so it is necessary to describe the structures variation throughout growth. Objective: To describe the odontophore shape and variation of Luidia superba A. H. Clark, 1917 from specimens of the Gulf of California deposited in the Echinoderm National Collection, ICML UNAM. Methods: A total of 735 specimens were examined to describe the external characters, from which 55 selected specimens, within a range of R = 14 mm and R = 210 mm, were dissected to extract the odontophores and analyzed with geometric morphometrics. Results: Scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) images of the odontophores showing the variations in shape throughout growth are presented. Differences in shape between size groups were confirmed with a Canonical Variables Analysis (P < 0.05). Conclusions: There are three main groups in this size ranges where specialization of the stereom can be observed through the ontogenetic series; the variation in shape of the odontophore shown here is a precedent for the use of internal anatomy as new taxonomic characters of identification.

Introducción: El odontóforo es la estructura posicionada entre las placas orales pareadas con las que se articula a través de procesos proximales y distales. Las estructuras de la anatomía interna se pueden usar como caracteres taxonómicos para la diferenciación más precisa entre especies, por lo que es necesario describir la variación de las estructuras a lo largo del crecimiento. Objetivo: Describir la forma y la variación del odontóforo de Luidia superba A. H. Clark, 1917 de ejemplares del Golfo de California depositados en la Colección Nacional de Equinodermos, ICML UNAM. Métodos: Se revisaron un total de 735 ejemplares para describir los caracteres externos y de las cuales se seleccionaron 55 ejemplares, dentro de un intervalo de R = 14 mm a R = 210 mm, de los cuales se extrajeron los odontóforos y fueron analizados utilizando morfometría geométrica. Resultados: Se presentan imágenes de microscopía electrónica de barrido (MEB) de los odontóforos que muestran las variaciones de la forma durante el crecimiento. Se confirmaron diferencias significativas de la forma entre los grupos de tallas mediante un CVA (p< 0.05). Conclusiones: Se observa especialización del estereoma a lo largo de la serie ontogenética; la variación en la forma del odontóforo aquí mostrada es precedente para el uso de estructuras de la anatomía interna como nuevos caracteres de identificación.

Animals , Starfish/anatomy & histology , Microscopy, Electron/methods , Mexico
Int. j. morphol ; 38(6): 1818-1836, Dec. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1134516


RESUMEN: La presente revisión entrega una visión actualizada del estudio de la morfometría geométrica y sus aplicaciones más actuales en ecología y biología evolutiva, metodología con una amplia variación en los últimos 5 años de su primera versión en International Journal of Morphology. La Morfometría geométrica es una herramienta que permite evaluar las variaciones morfológicas con factores subyacentes, siendo una herramienta más sensible que la morfometría tradicional, lo que permite detectar mínimos cambios de variación morfológica. Lo que la ha vuelto una herramienta notable para responder preguntas de biología comparada centradas en caracteres anatómicos. En sus comienzos fue una herramienta usada principalmente para responder preguntas taxonómicas, y para diferenciar a nivel de individuos, poblaciones o especies. No obstante, en los últimos años la cantidad de preguntas y problemáticas en las que se aplica, ha diversificado considerablemente, pasando a ser una herramienta muy precisa para responder preguntas de variación morfológica en contextos ecológicos y evolutivos. Ya ha pasado casi media década desde la última revisión del método, por lo que éste trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar los cambios metodológicos y los nuevos enfoques usados en Morfometría geométrica, y presentar una pequeña guía introductoria a éstos nuevos métodos, sus usos y aplicaciones.

SUMMARY: This study provides an updated vision of the study of Geometric Morphometrics and its most recent application in ecology and evolutionary biology, covering a wide variation in methodology occurring in the last 5 years since the first version published in the International Journal of Morphology. Geometric Morphometrics is a tool that allows evaluating morphological variations with underlying factors, with a higher sensitivity than traditional morphology, so that minimum changes of morphological variation can be detected. Therefore, it has turned into an outstanding tool to answer questions of comparative biology focused on anatomic characters. At the beginning, it was a tool mainly used to answer taxonomic questions and for differentiation at individual, population or species level. However, in the last years, the number of questions and problematic on which it is applied, has diversified considerably, turning it into a very accurate tool to answer questions of morphological variation in ecologic and evolutionary contexts. Almost half a decade has elapsed since the last revision of the method, so this work is intended to analyze the methodological changes and the new approaches used in Geometric Morphometrics, including a brief introductory guideline to these new methods, their uses and applications.

Anatomy/methods , Developmental Biology , Ecology
Int. j. morphol ; 38(2): 367-373, abr. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056449


Sexual dimorphism in Homo-sapiens is a phenomenon of a direct product of evolution by natural selection where evolutionary forces acted separately on the sexes which brought about the differences in appearance between male and female such as in shape and size. Advances in morphometrics have skyrocketed the rate of research on sex differences in human and other species. However, the current challenges facing 3D in the acquisition of facial data such as lack of homology, insufficient landmarks to characterize the facial shape and complex computational process for facial point digitization require further study in the domain of sex dimorphism. This study investigates sexual dimorphism in the human face with the application of Automatic Homologous Multi-points Warping (AHMW) for 3D facial landmark by building a template mesh as a reference object which is thereby applied to each of the target mesh on Stirling/ESRC dataset containing 101 subjects (male = 47, female = 54). The semi-landmarks are subjected to sliding along tangents to the curves and surfaces until the bending energy between a template and a target form is minimal. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is used for feature selection and the features are classified using Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) with an accuracy of 99.01 % which demonstrates that the method is robust.

El dimorfismo sexual en el Homo-sapiens es un fenómeno directo de la evolución por selección natural, donde las fuerzas evolutivas actuaron por separado en los sexos, lo que provocó las diferencias en la apariencia entre hombres y mujeres, tal como la forma y tamaño. Los avances en el área de la morfometría, han generado un aumento significativo de las investigaciones en las diferencias de sexo en humanos y otras especies. Sin embargo, los desafíos actuales que enfrenta el 3D en el análisis de datos faciales, como la falta de homología, puntos de referencia insuficientes para caracterizar la forma facial y la complejidad del proceso computacional para la digitalización de puntos faciales, requiere un estudio adicional en el área del dimorfismo sexual. Este estudio investiga el dimorfismo sexual en el rostro humano con la aplicación de la deformación automática de múltiples puntos homólogos para el hito facial 3D, mediante la elaboración de una malla de plantilla como objeto de referencia, y se aplica en cada una de las mallas objetivas en el conjunto de datos Stirling / ESRC que contiene 101 sujetos (hombre = 47, mujer = 54). Los semi-puntos de referencia se deslizan a lo largo de las tangentes a las curvas y superficies hasta que la energía de flexión entre una plantilla y una forma objetivo es mínima. El análisis de componentes principales (PCA) se utiliza para la selección de características y las características se clasifican mediante el análisis discriminante lineal (ADL) con una precisión del 99,01 %, lo que demuestra la validez del método.

Humans , Male , Female , Sex Characteristics , Connective Tissue/anatomy & histology , Face/anatomy & histology , Discriminant Analysis , Multivariate Analysis , Connective Tissue/diagnostic imaging , Imaging, Three-Dimensional , Face/diagnostic imaging , Anatomic Landmarks
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 53: e20190503, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1101448


Abstract Introduction: The genus Rhodnius in the subfamily Triatominae comprises 20 species, which can transmit Trypanosoma cruzi and Trypanosoma rangeli. Due to the development of molecular techniques, Triatominae species can now be characterized by mitochondrial and nuclear markers, making it possible to verify and/or correct the existing data on these species. The results achieved in this study provide a more detailed and accurate differentiation of the Rhodnius species, helping the establishment of a more appropriate classification. Methods: Data collection was performed by DNA analysis, morphological and morphometric studies to distinguish four populations of R. neglectus and four of R. prolixus. Phylogenetic data were compared to morphological and morphometric data. Results: The analysis of Cytb fragments suggests that the four colonies designated to Rhodnius neglectus as well as those of R. prolixus were correctly identified. Conclusions: The morphological characters observed in the specimens of the colonies originally identified as R. prolixus and R. neglectus, such as the presence or absence of collar in the eggs, the patterns of the median process of the pygophore, and anterolateral angle, are consistent with the species. Geometric morphometrics also show an intraspecific variability in R. prolixus.

Animals , Male , Rhodnius/classification , Insect Vectors/anatomy & histology , Phylogeny , Rhodnius/anatomy & histology , Rhodnius/genetics , Species Specificity , Chagas Disease/transmission , Sequence Analysis, DNA , Insect Vectors/classification , Insect Vectors/genetics
Rev. bras. entomol ; 64(1): e201960, 2020. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1092593


Abstract Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti (A. aegypti) transmits arboviral diseases of high public health importance, including those caused by Zika virus (ZIKV), Dengue virus (DENV), Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) and Yellow fever virus (YFV). Barreiras is a city with 157,638 inhabitants in the West of the State of Bahia, Northeast of Brazil. The climate is dry, with well-determined and concentrated seasons of rains. The city is crossed by a Federal Highway and by the Rio Grande river. In this study, we aimed to understand the dynamics of mosquito vectors and arboviral diseases in Barreiras. We used correlation statistics to investigate a possible relationship among rains, mosquito abundance and transmission of diseases. In addition, as a preliminary population genetics estimate, we used geometric morphometrics to compare mosquitoes from areas limited by a highway and a river. We found that i) infestation occurs in rain-dependent cycles and that ii) both, the river and the highway segregate populations of A. aegypti in different areas of the studied city. Our results indicate that it is necessary to treat anthropic containers with mosquito breading capacity during both, the dry and rain seasons in urban areas similar to Barreiras.

Rev. biol. trop ; 67(3)jun. 2019.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1507521


Speciation is a multifactorial process with factors acting at different scales of space and time. Trophic niche segregation has promoted the diversification of cichlids fishes in lentic (lacustrine) environments, whether this is also the case in lotic (riverine) systems remains unknown. Herichthys is the genus of cichlids with the most boreal distribution in the Americas comprising 12 currently recognized species, most micro-endemic and only two with a wide distribution. In the present work, we analyzed the stomach content and lower pharyngeal jaw morphologies of the species of the genus to evaluate the possible role of feeding ecology in the diversification of the group. Trophic strategies varied widely, including omnivores, piscivores, invertivores, molluskivores, detritivores, herbivores and algivores. Low values of Pianka's index of niche overlap were found in the sympatric micro-endemic species, while in the widely distributed species the indices ranged from low to very high. The analysis of lower pharyngeal jaw morphologies allowed discriminating a shape associated with piscivorous species from other foraging groups. The results of this study suggest that trophic niche segregation is a factor that could promotes diversification within the genus Herichthys although additional studies need to be performed to fully understand the speciation process in this group of Neotropical cichlid fishes.

La especiación es un proceso con múltiples factores que actúan a diferentes escalas de espacio y tiempo. La segregación de nichos tróficos es un proceso que ha promovido la diversificación en cíclidos en entornos lacustres, pero en el caso de los ríos no está claro. Herichthys es un género de cíclidos cuya distribución es la más boreal en América, el cual comprende 12 especies actualmente reconocidas, la mayoría microendémicas y solo dos con una amplia distribución. En el presente trabajo, se analizó el contenido estomacal y las morfologías de la mandíbula faríngea inferior de las especies del género para compararlas y evaluar su posible papel en la diversificación del grupo. La dieta en dichas especies es muy variada e incluyó tanto especies que pueden ser consideradas omnívoras como especialistas. Se encontraron valores bajos del índice de solapamiento alimentario (índice de Pianka) en las especies simpátricas microendémicas, mientras que en las especies ampliamente distribuidas el índice fue muy variable. El análisis de morfometría geométrica de la mandíbula faríngea inferior permite discriminar dos formas principales, una que incluye la especie piscívora y otra que incluye a los otros grupos alimentarios. Los resultados encontrados en este estudio sugieren que la segregación de nicho trófico es un factor que promueve claramente la diversificación dentro del género Herichthys, aunque se deben realizar estudios adicionales para comprender completamente el proceso de especiación en este grupo de peces neotropicales.

Rev. biol. trop ; 67(3)jun. 2019.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1507535


Las poblaciones insulares frecuentemente difieren de las continentales, en morfológica y comportamiento. Consecuentemente, utilizar características externas puede dificultar la identificación taxonómica de especies en las islas. En el Parque Nacional Natural Gorgona, particularmente, ha existido controversia sobre la identidad de varias especies de murciélagos residentes. Nuestro objetivo fue determinar la identidad taxonómica de la población de Saccopteryx de esta isla, que tiene la particularidad de tener actividad diurna. Evaluamos las diferencias entre las poblaciones mediante morfometría (tradicional y geométrica) y llamados de ecolocalización. Además, debido a que las especies difieren en su sistema de apareamiento, evaluamos la conformación de los grupos en los refugios. Pese a la variación en la morfometría craneal y los llamados de ecolocalización entre las poblaciones, la población de Gorgona fue más similar a S. leptura que a S. bilineata. Las conformaciones de los grupos en los refugios sugieren un sistema monógamo como en S. leptura. Por ende, concluimos que la especie de la isla es S. leptura. Adicionalmente, la historia biogeográfica y el aislamiento geográfico de la isla sugieren que esta población puede ser diferente de sus contrapartes continentales debido al efecto fundador, deriva genética y/o adaptaciones a las condiciones ambientales locales.

Insular populations can differ from their continental counterparts since they are subject to particular pressures, biotic and abiotic, that can lead to variations in morphology and behavior; thus, the use of external characters may complicate taxonomic identification of insular populations. Even though the bat assemblage of Gorgona Island is a conservation target, there has been controversy about the taxonomic identity of bats from this Colombian National Natural Park. Specifically, our goal was to determine the taxonomic identity of the population of the sac-winged bat (genus Saccopteryx) resident in Gorgona, which have the peculiarity of having diurnal activity. Thus, we assessed differences among populations using morphometrics (traditional and geometric) and echolocation calls. Additionally, since the species of Saccopteryx involved have different mating systems, we assessed roosting association of Gorgona population as a surrogate for mating system. Despite the variation in skull morphometrics and echolocation calls among populations, Gorgona population was more similar to S. leptura than to S. bilineata. Besides, evolutionary allometry was significant, but size explained a small proportion of shape differences among populations. Finally, roosting association of Gorgona population suggests a monogamous mating system such as in S. leptura. We conclude that Saccopteryx from Gorgona corresponds to S. leptura. In addition, biogeographic history and geographic isolation of the island suggest that this population may have differentiated from their mainland counterparts through founder effect, genetic drift and/or adaptation to the local biotic and abiotic environmental conditions.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-780696


@#The present systematic review explores the most sexually dimorphic parameters by using geometric morphometric analysis of human skull. An extended search was conducted in Google Scholars and PubMed (published between 2005 and 2017). The main inclusion criteria were research articles published in English, and studies that used geometric morphometric analysis for classification of human skull. The literature search identified 54 potential relevant articles whereby, five had met the inclusion criteria. Most studies reported positive contribution of geometric morphometric as an alternative and accurate tool for classification of unknown human crania. Geometric morphometric method resulted in a high classification accuracy of sexual dimorphism among different populations. Further studies are required to approach the best method used for varied types of postcranial bones equipped with a more advanced meta-analysis of the results.

Neotrop. ichthyol ; 17(1): e170168, 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-990194


Morphological characters of species are essential for assessing the functional structure of a fish assemblage, since differences between them, for example in body shape, are related to many functional and ecological traits (e.g., swimming, search for food, striking and capturing prey, evading predators, spawning). Globally, tidal flats are relevant to fish assemblages by offering feeding, refuge, and reproduction grounds. To analyze the morphofunctional structure of the fish assemblage from a tidal flat on the Brazilian coast, we conducted standardized sampling using nine different fishing gears. The geometric morphometric method was applied to describe the fish shapes and verify the morphological structure of the assemblage. Here, we present the influence/susceptibility of each gear type on the morphological diversity of the fish assemblage. The results indicated that beach seine, otter trawl, marginal encircling gillnet, and fish traps, together, were the most effective gears to represent the maximum morphological variability of fish inhabiting that tidal flat. Moreover, the assemblage showed high morphological redundancy considered as a resistance of the ecosystem for avoiding functional diversity loss, emphasizing the importance of complementary gear use when determining fish assemblages in a conservation context.(AU)

Os caracteres morfológicos das espécies são essenciais para avaliar a estrutura funcional de uma assembleia de peixes, uma vez que as diferenças entre elas são indicativas de distintas características ecológicas. De forma geral, as planícies de maré são importantes para assembleias de peixes por oferecerem áreas para alimentação, refúgio e reprodução. Para analisar a estrutura morfofuncional da assembleia de peixes de uma planície de maré na costa brasileira, realizamos amostragens utilizando nove diferentes artes de pesca. Para descrever as formas dos peixes e verificar a diversidade morfológica da assembleia foi aplicado o método de morfometria geométrica. Aqui, apresentamos a influência/suscetibilidade de cada arte de pesca na composição morfológica da assembleia de peixes, uma vez que a forma do corpo está relacionada a diversos aspectos funcionais e ecológicos (como por exemplo nadar, procurar ativamente por comida, atacar e capturar presas, evadir de predadores, se reproduzir). Os resultados indicaram que o arrasto de praia, o arrasto de fundo, a rede de emalhar marginal e as armadilhas, em conjunto, foram os apetrechos mais efetivos para representar a máxima diversidade morfológica dos peixes que habitam esta planície de maré. Além disso, a assembleia apresentou elevada redundância morfológica, fato que indica resistência deste ecossistema para evitar a perda de diversidade funcional.(AU)

Animals , Fishes/anatomy & histology , Morphogenesis , Fishing Industry
Genet. mol. biol ; 41(1,supl.1): 263-272, 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-892493


Abstract We tested the association between chromosomal polymorphism and skull shape and size variation in two groups of the subterranean rodent Ctenomys. The hypothesis is based on the premise that chromosomal rearrangements in small populations, as it occurs in Ctenomys, produce reproductive isolation and allow the independent diversification of populations. The mendocinus group has species with low chromosomal diploid number variation (2n=46-48), while species from the torquatus group have a higher karyotype variation (2n=42-70). We analyzed the shape and size variation of skull and mandible by a geometric morphometric approach, with univariate and multivariate statistical analysis in 12 species from mendocinus and torquatus groups of the genus Ctenomys. We used 763 adult skulls in dorsal, ventral, and lateral views, and 515 mandibles in lateral view and 93 landmarks in four views. Although we expected more phenotypic variation in the torquatus than the mendocinus group, our results rejected the hypothesis of an association between chromosomal polymorphism and skull shape and size variation. Moreover, the torquatus group did not show more variation than mendocinus. Habitat heterogeneity associated to biomechanical constraints and other factors like geography, phylogeny, and demography, may affect skull morphological evolution in Ctenomys.

Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 24(4): 383-390, dic. 2017. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1094288


Oecomys es un género rico en diversidad de especies de tamaño pequeño a mediano. Dentro del género, la especie O. bicolor es reconocida morfológicamente con relativa facilidad; sin embargo, se ha reportado en distintas poblaciones de la especie variaciones individuales, con respecto al tamaño y color, por lo que podría tratarse de un complejo de especies. La información intraespecífica es muy poca a pesar de su amplia distribución; no obstante, esta información es necesaria para la delimitación de la especie, así como explicar variaciones en poblaciones. Por ello, en el presente estudio se analizaron 148 especímenes de O. bicolor, con el objetivo de evaluar la variación no geográfica referida al sexo y edad. Se analizaron 13 variables cráneo-dentales. Mediante aproximaciones estadísticas univariadas y multivariadas se demostró que el dimorfismo sexual no es significativo; por otro lado, la variación ontogénica es considerable entre jóvenes y adultos, estos resultados son consistentes con estudios previos realizados en roedores sigmodontinos, Se recomienda continuar los estudios de variación geográfica tomando en cuenta las edades 3, 4 y 5, y agrupando machos y hembras

Oecomys is a moderately specious genus of small to medium size. Within the genus, the species O. bicolor is readily recognized; however, it has been reported individual variation in size and color from different populations suggesting that the species could be a species complex. Intraspecific information in O. bicolor is limited despite its wide distribution; but, this information is necessary for delimiting the species as well as explaining variations within populations. Therefore, in the present study 148 specimens of O. bicolor were analyzed, with the objective of evaluating the non-geographic variation of the species related to sex and age. 13 skull-dental variables were analyzed. Univariate and multivariate statistical approximations showed that sexual dimorphism is not significant; on the other hand, the ontogenic variation is considerable among young adults, these results are consistent with previous studies in sigmodontine rodents. It is recommended to continue studies of geographic variation with only ages 3, 4 and 5, and treating males and females collectively

Int. j. morphol ; 35(1): 331-336, Mar. 2017. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-840974


El charal de Toluca Chirostoma riojai es un pez de alto valor cultural e ictiológico. Los trabajos sobre esta especie se enfocan en el tipo de alimentación o forman parte de revisiones taxonómicas y son pocos los estudios sobre los cambios morfológicos durante su ontogenia. Se evaluó la figura de C. riojai mediante morfometría geométrica desde su eclosión hasta los 90 días de vida. Los ejemplares se cultivaron en condiciones controladas y fueron fijados 171 organismos pertenecientes a 11 intervalos de edad incluidos en cinco fases: embrión libre, apterolarva, pterolarva, juvenil y adulto. Se usaron seis puntos anatómicamente homólogos en una primera configuración de marcas y en una segunda se delinearon dos contornos (dorsal y ventralmente) de la región anterior. Un análisis de componentes principales mostró una fuerte diferenciación en su figura durante la transición larva-juvenil, en tanto un análisis de variables canónicas señaló diferencias significativas (ps<0.001) entre los 11 grupos de edad. La regresión lineal entre el logaritmo del tamaño centroide y las distancias procustes muestran que los organismos mantienen un cambio de figura constante hasta el término del periodo larvario, punto en el que el periodo juvenil comienza y las modificaciones en su figura disminuyen. La descripción del desarrollo temprano de C. riojai sin considerar el desarrollo de las aletas, muestra que la característica con el mayor cambio es el desplazamiento del poro anal, seguido por el alargamiento de la región cefálica. El tamaño y la figura de C. riojai durante su vida temprana pueden servir para diferenciar faces de desarrollo y ser utilizada en otras especies hermanas para evaluar si su figura es específica en cada fase. Los cambios morfológicos de C. riojai durante su vida temprana se pueden describir de forma gradual hasta el periodo larval y saltatoria en el cambio a juvenil.

Toluca silverside Chirostoma riojai is a fish with high cultural and ictiological values. Studies on this species have focused on the type of diet or as part of taxonomic reviews, while few reports are known on the morphological changes during its ontogeny. In this study the shape of C. riojai was evaluated by means of geometric morphometrics from hatchings up to 90 days-old individuals. Specimens of C. riojai were cultivated in controlled conditions, and 171 organisms there fixed, belonging to 11 age intervals included within five phases: free embryo, apterolarva, pterolarva, juvenile, and adult. There were used six landmarks in an initial configuration, and in a second configuration there were outlined two contours (dorsal and ventral) on the anterior region. A principal component analysis showed a strong differentiation in the shape during the transition larva-juvenile, for both an analysis of canonical variables found significant differences (ps<0.001) between the 11 age groups. The linear regression between the logarithm of the size centroid and procustes distances, showed that the individuals maintain a constant change in shape up to the end of the larval phase, at which time the youth stage begins and the changes in its shape decreases. The description of the early development of C. riojai without considering the development of the fins, shows that feature with greatest change is the movement of the anal pore, followed by the lengthening of the cephalic region. The size and shape of C. riojai during its early life could serve to differentiate developmental phases and could be used with other sister species to assess whether their shape is specific in each phase. The morphological changes of C. riojai during his early life could be described in a gradual form up to the the larval period, while saltatory in the change to juvenile.

Animals , Fishes/embryology , Fishes/growth & development , Fishes/anatomy & histology
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 15(1): e160152, 2017. tab, graf, mapas, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-841880


We explored patterns of phenotypic variation in Hemigrammus coeruleus from the Unini River basin, a blackwater river in the Brazilian Amazon. Geometric morphometrics was used to evaluate variation in body shape among populations from four tributaries (UN2-UN5). We found no evidence for sexual dimorphism in body size and shape. However, morphological differences among populations were detected as the analyses recovered significant groups corresponding to each sub-basin, with some overlap among them. The populations from UN2, UN3 and UN5 had more elongate bodies than fish from UN4. The most morphologically divergent population belonged to UN4, the tributary with the most divergent environmental conditions and the only one with seasonally-muddy waters. The morphological variation found among these populations is likely due to phenotypic plasticity or local adaptation, arising as a product of divergent ecological selection pressures among sub-basins. This work constitutes one of the first to employ a population-level geometric morphometric approach to assess phenotypic variation in Amazonian fishes. This method was able to distinguish subtle differences in body morphology, and its use with additional species can bring novel perspectives on the evaluation of general patterns of phenotypic differentiation in the Amazon.(AU)

Neste estudo foram explorados os padrões de variação fenotípica em Hemigrammus coeruleus da bacia do rio Unini, um rio de água preta na Amazônia brasileira. Métodos de morfometria geométrica foram aplicados para avaliar as variações na forma do corpo entre populações provenientes de quatro tributários (UN2-UN5). Os resultados mostraram ausência de dimorfismo sexual relacionado ao tamanho e formato do corpo. Entretanto, diferenças morfológicas entre populações foram detectadas, uma vez que as análises apontaram agrupamentos correspondendo a cada sub-bacia, com certo grau de sobreposição entre populações. As populações dos rios Preto, Arara e Pauini (UN2, UN3 e UN5) apresentaram formato de corpo mais alongado do que a amostra do igarapé Solimõezinho (UN4). A população mais divergente morfologicamente pertenceu ao igarapé Solimõezinho (UN4), o tributário que apresentou a condição ambiental mais divergente e o único com águas sazonalmente barrentas. A variação morfológica encontrada nessas populações de H. coeruleus é provavelmente devido a plasticidade fenotípica ou adaptação local por seleção induzida por diferentes pressões seletivas entre as sub-bacias. Este estudo constitui a primeira contribuição científica usando métodos de morfometria geométrica para avaliar a variação fenotípica entre populações em peixes amazônicos. Esse método foi capaz de distinguir diferenças sutis na morfologia e sua replicação em outras espécies amazônicas pode trazer novas perspectivas na avaliação de padrões gerais de diferenciação fenotípica na região.(AU)

Animals , Characidae/anatomy & histology , Characidae/growth & development , Fishes/genetics , Phenotype
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 15(2): e160168, 2017. tab, graf, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-841896


This paper provides a taxonomic revision of the Neotropical electric fish genus Sternarchella, with redescriptions of seven valid species and descriptions of two new species. A maximum parsimony analysis of 76 morphological characters from seven ingroup and seven outgroup taxa recovered a non-monophyletic Sternarchella, in which a clade comprising two species with a ventral mouth (S. orinoco + S. sima) is the sister group to a clade comprising seven species that possess a terminal or superior mouth. Nested within this higher-diversity clade is the genus Magosternarchus (recognized herein as a junior synonym of Sternarchella) comprising M. duccis and M. raptor. The Magosternarchus clade forms a polytomy with S. orthos and S. schotti. Sternarchella calhamazon + a new species from the upper Río Madeira (sister species to S. calhamazon), and a new larger-bodied species from the central and upper Río Amazonas also form a clade. Sternarchella orthos is distributed in both the Amazon and Orinoco basins, where it exhibits considerable phenotypic diversity. Sternarchella orthos includes most specimens from the Amazon formerly assigned to the nominal species S. terminalis (recognized herein as a junior synonym of S. schotti).(AU)

Este artigo propõe uma revisão taxonômica do gênero Neotropical de peixe-elétrico Sternarchella, incluindo a redescrição de sete espécies válidas e duas novas espécies. Análise de máxima parcimônia com 76 caracteres morfológicos e amostragem de sete grupos internos e sete grupos externos indica que Sternarchella não constitui grupo monofilético, sendo um clado composto por duas espécies com bocas ventrais (S. orinoco + S. sima) e outro com sete espécies com bocas terminais ou superiores. Dentro deste último clado estão as espécies do gênero Magosternarchus (reconhecido aqui como um sinônimo júnior de Sternarchella): M. duccis e M. raptor. O clado de Magosternarchus forma uma politomia com S. orthos e S. schotti. Sternarchella calhamazon + uma nova espécie do alto rio Madeira (espécie irmã de S. calhamazon) e uma nova espécie de corpo maior do rio Amazonas central e superior também formam um clado. Sternarchella orthos está distribuída nos rios amazônicos e no Orinoco, onde apresenta elevada diversidade fenotípica. Sternarchella orthos inclui a maioria dos espécimes do rio Amazonas anteriormente atribuídos à S. terminalis (considerada neste estudo como sinônimo júnior de S. schotti).(AU)

Animals , Gymnotiformes/classification , Gymnotiformes/growth & development , Classification
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 15(3): e170028, 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-895101


Bryconamericus is the most diverse genus within Stevardiinae, comprising 61 valid species distributed in Cis- and Trans-Andean basins from Panama in Central America to northern Argentina in South America. Three species are known from the upper rio Paraná basin: B. exodon, B. iheringii, and B. turiuba. Herein we describe a new species of Bryconamericus from the upper rio Paraná basin inhabiting tributaries of Ivaí, Piquiri, and Tibagi basins, Paraná State, Brazil. The new species differs from its congeners by the presence of unaligned teeth in the outer tooth row of the premaxilla; a single, vertical, dorsally expanded and rounded humeral spot; 36-39 pored scales in the longitudinal series; body depth 31.6-37.9% SL; anal-fin base length 24.8-30.1% SL; number of branched anal-fin rays 19-22, and bony hooks on pelvic- and anal-fin rays of sexually dimorphic males. The new species is syntopic with other Stervadiinae in the upper rio Paraná basin such as B. iheringii, B. turiuba, Piabarchus stramineus, and Piabina argentea.(AU)

Bryconamericus é o gênero de Stevardiinae mais diverso, com 64 espécies válidas distribuídas nas bacias Cis- e Trans-Andinas, do Panamá na América Central à região norte da Argentina na América do Sul. Dessas espécies, três são conhecidas da bacia do alto rio Paraná: B. exodon, B. iheringii e B. turiuba. Neste trabalho descrevemos uma espécie nova de Bryconamericus da bacia do alto rio Paraná, habitando tributários das bacias dos rios Ivaí, Piquiri e Tibagi, Estado do Paraná, Brasil. A espécie nova difere dos seus congêneres pela presença de dentes desalinhados na fileira externa de dentes do pré-maxilar; uma única mancha umeral vertical, expandida e arredondada dorsalmente; 36-39 escamas perfuradas na série longitudinal; altura do corpo 31,6-37,9% CP; base da nadadeira anal 24,8-30,1% CP; 19-22 raios ramificados na nadadeira anal e ganchos ósseos nas nadadeiras pélvica e anal de machos sexualmente dimórficos. A espécie nova é sintópica com outros Stervadiinae na bacia do alto rio Paraná, como B. iheringii, B. turiuba, Piabarchus stramineus e Piabina argentea.(AU)

Animals , Classification/methods , Characidae/classification